
Professional Training

Attentat près des anciens locaux de "Charlie Hebdo", le 25 septembre 2020 © Préfecture de Police / Manuel Chastanet

As is the case at other similar institutions, the Museum and Memorial of Terrorism can host training courses for a variety of professions directly or indirectly impacted by the question of terrorism and its effects, short- and medium-term care for victims, and public remembrance policies. Target groups could include magistrates, police officers, fire fighters, first responders, psychotherapists, educators, and so forth.

Training courses will fall under the framework of partnerships, tender responses, offsite activities, and will be in line with the institutions responsible for these sessions. The Museum and Memorial of Terrorism will rely on its extensive network of partners so that its training offering can reach a wide geographic area.

As part of its educational mission, the Museum and Memorial of Terrorism could, for example, organize on-site training courses as part of the Plan national de formation [national training program]. These courses would target school inspectors and trainers as a priority. It could also organize summer school sessions, with a scientific component and an educational component, and including the participation of people working in the field and witnesses. It could also feature continuing education courses.

On the recommendation of François Molins, a public prosecutor and chair of the Advisory Committee, the Museum and Memorial of Terrorism will host civic training for perpetrators of some crimes (an initiative made possible by the law of 2004).