
Facing Terrorism: Middle and High School Students' Exhibition

October 15th, 2022
Exposition numérique

As part of its prefiguration, the Museum and Memorial of Terrorism has set up its first project for the school public. It invites middle and high school students to design a digital exhibition focused on terrorism and the means of dealing with it.

"Facing Terrorism: Middle and High School Students' Exhibition" is the result of an innovative collaboration between the Museum and Memorial of Terrorism, the École du Louvre and seven schools in the Créteil, Paris and Versailles school districts. The students, who are at the heart of the project, play an essential role in formulating the questions and creating the exhibition. They are invited to reflect on the complex and difficult phenomenon of terrorism and to present a project on this subject.

To support their work, the Museum and Memorial of Terrorism and its cultural and associative partners encourage them to meet with first-hand witnesses of the attacks throughout the year. These exchanges with witnesses, experts and victims of terrorist attacks play an essential role in the transmission of memory and are key moments in the program, sources of inspiration and emotion for the students.  

These creative or educational projects, conceived and carried out by the almost 300 students involved, will be implemented during the 2021-2022 school year. Podcasts, musical and choreographic creations, collections of texts or even textile, digital or plastic works, these achievements are all ways for students to give free rein to their thoughts and impressions and to confront terrorism.

"Facing terrorism: Middle and High School Students' Exhibition" will be inaugurated on October 15th, 2022 on the website of the Museum and Memorial of Terrorism.






The exhibition will be free access.

Scolaires Tous publics.